한국에서 블로거 (hangugeso beulrogo), or “Vloggers in Korea”, have been around as long as people have been visiting and living in Korea. When I first started getting into Hallyu, Korean travel vlogs were some of the first things to introduce me to the cities of Seoul, Busan, Yeosu, and more! If you just search “korea vlog” you’re bound to find videos in the thousands.
But how do you know which vlogs are worth the watch now, and which you should probably leave to Watch Later? In this new article series, K-VLOG SPOTLIGHT!, we’ll highlight the best vloggers to check out to feed your wanderlust, inspire your own future Korea trips, or just have on in the background while getting on with your day-to-day.

Today, we’re highlighting caricakes, an American YouTuber who’s lived in Korea for almost 8 years! Cari lives in Seoul with her husband, where she works full-time as a YouTuber since leaving her job with a Korean agency almost 4 years ago. As a full-time vlogger, Cari shares weekly Seoul day-in-the-life vlogs, but takes many trips to other (and lesser-visited) cities in Korea, with the occasional trip abroad as well. Below are some of my favorite videos that I recommend to get a feel for Cari’s channel:
Seoul Neighborhoods | Old Markets, Bakeries, Shops in Seochon KOREA VLOG: In this video, Cari visits a various neighborhoods in Seoul, including the neighborhood of Seochon! I love this video for Cari's use of music between scenes.
museums, sunsets, and baking | an almost week in my life in seoul, korea VLOG: In this week-in-the-life, Cari visits a few spots in Seoul. Definitely add these museums to your list of places to visit on your own trip to Seoul--I know I have!
Rainy Days ☔ my life in seoul, korea vlog: Korea's rainy season is infamous for its extreme flooding, but the rain can be cozy, too! In this video, Cari spends some regular days in Seoul, but the addition of the rain makes this a comfort watch whenever I'm down.
A Solo Trip to Yeosu, Korea VLOG | 여수여행: Cari visits the port city of Yeosu, highlighting a lesser-known part of Korea that's still easy to reach with Korea's transit system. This is the video that made me interested in visiting Yeosu, namely the cross-city cable car!
What I love about Cari’s videos are their cozy vibes — Cari self-shoots and self-edits her videos, meaning that her vlogs have a distinctly personal touch. Tied in with her great taste in music to cut between different moments and locations, Cari’s vlogs always feel so seamless and natural, the perfect kind of videos to put on in the background or sit down and watch with your full attention. Another perk of Cari’s videos? Since she lives and works full-time in Korea, she has great videos with advice on how to rent an apartment in Korea as a foreigner and other useful tips for living comfortably in Korea!
Did you find any of these videos useful? Comment below! And share your favourite K-Vloggers, too--they could end up next time's K-VLOG SPOTLIGHT!